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Definitive Guide to Benjamin Maximus

The Benjamin Maximus air rifle is the perfect starting point for a shooter new to PCP's. Simple, reliable, accurate, lightweight, these are all qualities that these fantastic little rifles possess and all at a price that is pretty much unbeatable by competitors in its class. If you have been thinking about getting a PCP for some time, but have yet to "pull the trigger" the Maximus is a great choice and gets you solidly in the PCP world without emptying your wallet. The simple single shot design is easy to learn rugged enough to stand up to field use. Because the Maximus only operates at 2000 PSI it can easily be filled with a hand pump making it a great choice for those who want to be completely self-sufficient and not have to rely on an air tank to charge their rifle. Add fiber optic sites and the Benjamin Maximus really is the perfect platform for any shooter looking to make the jump into PCP airguns.
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