Page 2 - Reviews
Walther LGV Master .177 Review – Part 2
Let me say right up front, that the Walther spring guns series, which now includes the LGU underlever, are premium airguns that come at a premium price. They are also built around precision accuracy over maximum power, which means that they are probably going to appeal to a more discriminating, and probably older customer base. […]
Walther LGV Master .177 Review – Part 1
There’s an aggressive marketing push that has caused a lot of consumers, specifically new airgunners just getting into the sport, to just focus on gas ram or nitro piston airguns, and to consider traditional metal spring powered airguns as somehow sub-standard. What’s interesting regarding this train of thought, is that the majority of the most […]
Scoping the RWS 34 – Part 1
It’s time to get back to my RWS 34 .177. In my opinion, every airgun hobbyist should own an RWS 34 at some point in their lives. I don’t know that you can truly call yourself an airgunner if you haven’t! But, that’s just my opinion. My RWS 34 .177 is through the break-in period […]
Umarex Fuel .177 – Part 2
Before I launched into part 2 of the review, I decided to take my own advice and mount a Hawke 2-7×32 AO Sport HD IR scope to this rifle. I used the mounts that came with the Fuel which seem to be adequate so far. The reasons I opted to replace the scope are as […]
Umarex Fuel .177 – Part 1
What do most new airgunners want these days? Specifically what do most new airgunners who are looking for alternatives to traditional firearms look for these days? I speak to a lot of them and they seem to be looking for that airgun that simulates their firearms but for a fraction of the purchase and operating […]
Umarex APX Multi-Pump Airgun – Part 2
There are so many advantages to airguns over traditional firearms when it comes to training new shooters. First, you have greatly increased safety. You never want to take that for granted however, as it’s critical to follow proper safety guidelines at all times. Another advantage is the reduced cost. Ammo today, especially .22LR, is certainly […]
Umarex – APX Multi-Pump Rifle
Back in March of 2014 I was visiting Umarex USA’s headquarters in Fort Smith Arkansas. They were working on the graphics for a brand new product. This was actually a pretty timely encounter as I was talking to them about the need in the market for something new for young shooters. It needed to be […]
Umarex Morph 3x Co2 Airgun – Part 2
In part two of the Morph 3X I’ll take a look at it configured as a long barreled pistol and as a rifle. The ability for this product to transform itself into three unique shooting platforms makes it a one-of-a-kind airgun. Let’s go ahead and get started. A really long pistol Converting the standard pistol […]
Umarex Morph 3x Co2 Airgun – Part 1
Boy it’s hot outside in Arizona in the middle of August! I think it’s time that I take a short break before taking the NP2 out into the desert for some longer range tests. So, I thought I’d take a little diversion and shoot one, maybe a couple of airguns that are suitable for indoor […]

Evanix Tactical Sniper Review
Overall Reviewer Rating Accuracy Ergonomics Quietness Power Trigger At the age of ten (29 years ago) I got my first air rifle and I vividly remember how giant those .177 wadcutters looked. Perhaps being smaller then had something to do with it… or perhaps it was just the newness & excitement of it all. Growing […]