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Get More Trigger Time with Airgun Targets

Targets are targets, right?  Not by a long shot (pun intended).  There are many types of airgun targets out there, each with a focus to help you become a better marksman or just have more fun.  In this article, we’ll look at some of our favorite airgun targets and talk about how they fit in the everyday life of the modern airgunner. 


Air Venturi Crazy Eights Airgun Target
 Air Venturi Crazy Eights Target

Targets that move when you hit them, specifically spinners, give shooters immediate feedback. As a result, they are some of the most popular airgun targets on the market.  Targets like the Air Venturi Crazy Eights give shooters the satisfaction of seeing the result of their shot.  When the pellet hits the paddle, it swings up and out of the way. Once you’ve hit all the paddles, you can shoot the top reset paddle, which then releases and resets them, and you get to start all over.  

Shooters looking for a real challenge should look at the Umarex Multi-Shot Spinning Target.  This all-in-one target system that provides a combination of several spinning targets along with a paper target.  Combo targets like this bring variety and fun to your backyard. 

Shooting Gallery

Birchwood Casey Battle at Sea Target Game
Battleship Target Game

Birchwood Casey makes some great “shoot-n-c” targets that provide not only a shooting gallery game opportunity but also utilize a reactive film that clearly identifies each impact. Additionally, there are fun targets like the Birchwood Casey Dirty Bird Saloon Shootout Game Targets, Battleship Targets, Dartboard Targets, and much more. Airgunning is a very social sport, and targets like these help shooters not only improve their skills but have a good time with friends and family while getting in needed trigger time.

But what if your shooting buddy is across town or across the country?  Well, you can get the new BadaBang Interactive Target Shooting System which allows you to have virtual shooting competitions over the internet.  This takes the “shooting gallery” concept of airgunning to a whole new level. 

Game Targets

Air Venturi Rat-on-the-run Target
Rat-on-the-run Target

While the last type of target dealt with target games, there are also game targets.  These are targets that have various types of game animals printed or otherwise represented on them or by them. (There are 3D targets that are life-sized representations of game such as deer, turkey, squirrels, etc.) 

Targets like the Air Venturi Rat-On-The-Run Target combine “Game Targets” with reactive steel targets.   There’s a “kill zone” at the center of the rat.  When hit, it causes the target to fall over, acknowledging a kill shot.  Then, a string lets the shooter reset it for the next try.  Pretty cool stuff. 

Let’s swing back around to the Umarex Multi-Shot Spinning Target for a moment.  The top paper target element has replaceable cards, most of which are photos of various animals.  While these are tiny compared to actual game, learning where to hit your game for a kill shot is very important.  These are not only fun but great tools to help you dial in the perfect, ethical, hunting shot. 

Reactive Targets

Air Venturi Shoot'em Down Metal Silhouette Targets
Shoot’em Down Targets

Reactive targets are targets that provide instant feedback to the shooter.  These could be Shoot-N-C paper targets, steel targets, or frangible targets that break apart when struck.  Many of the targets we’ve discussed are also reactive targets.  Steel knockdown targets, spinners, clay pigeons, and even the Air Venturi Cowboy Action targets are all great examples of reactive targets.  If shooting plain paper targets simply doesn’t get you excited to get outdoors and get in some target practice, then look at all the reactive targets we have on our site. They are sure to get you excited about getting in some trigger time. 

That’s a Wrap

If you are interested in taking your trigger time to the next level, be sure to visit the “targets and traps” section on our website.  We have three pages of great options, from simple paper targets up to the BadaBang Interactive Target Shooting System, which connects shooters wherever they happen to be.  There’s certainly something for every shooter.  And if you need help finding the right target, just give us a call.  We are always happy to help.

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Air venturi crazy eights spinning airgun target

Targets are targets, right?  Not by a long shot (pun intended).  There are many types of airgun targets out there, each with a focus to help you become a better marksman or just have more fun.  In this article, we’ll look at some of our favorite airgun targets and talk about how they fit in […]