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Top Crosman Air Pistols

Crosman has been making air pistols for a very long time. One of the all-time best-selling Crosman air pistols has to be the Crosman 2240. Its power and accuracy for the price, along with the infinite availability of aftermarket parts, has yielded some of the most creative and personalized builds ever imagined. But Crosman makes more than just the 2240. In this article, we’ll explore some of the top Crosman air pistols.

Top .357 Air Pistol


Airgun revolvers have been around a very long time. The Crosman .357 ten shot .177 revolver was an icon of CO2 airgunning for decades. Crosman gave the .357 a facelift and created the Crosman Vigilante. This CO2-powered pellet pistol is accurate, fun to shoot, delivers decent power, and is very affordable. The magazines are inexpensive, and it will shoot just about any .177 pellet accurately. Available as a stand-alone pistol or in a combo complete with a holster, ten-shot cylinder, and a six-shot cylinder, the Vigilante revolver from Crosman is a great little air pistol.

Top Pump-Action Pistols


While CO2 is the new norm, old-timers will remember the good old pump-em-up days of airgunning. Crosman continues to rule this segment of the air pistol market with their 1377 and 1322. These multi-pump pneumatic pistols are very accurate and fun to shoot. The .22 caliber 1322 generates enough energy for light pesting if needed. Shooters can vary the output power through the number of pumps they use before each shot. Three pumps deliver enough energy for close-range target practice, whereas ten pumps deliver the maximum power for longer-range shooting and pesting. These guns have undergone a few cosmetic changes, but the bulk of the build hasn’t changed in decades. They are just great air pistols. 

Top Replica CO2 Pistols


There are the iconic Crosman products like the .357 Vigilante, the 2240, and the 1377 and 1322, but Crosman hasn’t sat idly by and let others pass them in the replica race. Crosman has a slew of great air pistols that are 1 to 1 replicas, or very close to the real thing. Their SR357 BB Nickel finish revolver is simply beautiful. Utilizing shells for each bb, the loading, firing, and reloading cycles are just like the real thing. Another stand-out in the replica arena is the Crosman A4-P. The A4-P is a full auto AR15 pistol variant that’s cool to look at and even cooler to shoot. Spending some time with any of these Crosman replica airguns will put a serious smile on your face.

Top PCP Air Pistol


At the top of the Crosman air pistol pile are their PCP pistols. The Crosman 1701P Silhouette Pellet Pistol is a match-grade competition pistol. This single-shot .177 pistol is simply a joy to own and shoot with adjustable components and exceptional accuracy. The 1720T takes things to another level. The 1720T pistol meets the American Airgun Field Target Association requirements as a competition air pistol. It’s a single-shot match-grade, bolt action pistol that’s shrouded for noise suppression. It’s fun to shoot in the backyard or at your local AAFTA match.

Need Help?

If you need help finding the absolute best Crosman air pistol, we’re not surprised. Crosman has been at the top of the food chain for a very long time, and they continue to build great products. If you are having a hard time deciding, don’t hesitate to give us a call. We’ll be happy to help you find just the right product for your needs at Airgun Depot.

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Crosman has been making air pistols for a very long time. One of the all-time best-selling Crosman air pistols has to be the Crosman 2240. Its power and accuracy for the price, along with the infinite availability of aftermarket parts, has yielded some of the most creative and personalized builds ever imagined. But Crosman makes more than just […]